Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What's a Winnipeg?

I know nothing whatsoever about Winnipeg! Except that it's in Manitoba!

When I think about Winnipeg, my brain goes like this:

...which is appropriate since pug faces kind of look like brains. But that doesn't make it right! I should stop being such an ignoramus, and make an effort to know more about the diverse and probably uniquely awesome cities in this pretty freaking vast country.

Maybe I should move there to find out more. Yes, I think this is the best plan... some real nitty-gritty firsthand investigative journalism.

More to come on Winnipeg in the future! But for the next few months, lots more about Toronto and all it has to offer before I go. It's like in a movie when someone finds out they only have ____ long to live... suddenly their lust for life increases 1000 fold and they do all the adventurous things they've always meant to do, but sadly they don't get to do that one last thing that was the central driving motivation of the screenplay and then the music gets really tragic yet beautifully inspirational as they slowly fade away on their deathbed and then their left-behind loved one walks into the horizon with a determined chin and a newfound appreciation for the impermanence of life and what it means to really be alive...

Except this won't be as profound as all that, I'll probably just be going to the beach and trying some new falafel places.