Monday, June 21, 2010

I could hear my frontal lobe sizzling like bacon as I watched this

... now everything smells like apples.

I enjoy that I live in a world where there exists a logical connection between the video above, and this.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Q: What were you before? A: Blue.

Right now I am loving this:

Things that I like to see in music videos:

- Silent captions
- White outfits
- Clockwork Orange references
- Alex Jameses
- Eyeliner on a guy that can't be classified as the fucking stupid emo-bullshit or poppy-glam lameness that is "guyliner"
- Weird industrial symbols for things like magnetic men and embryo martinis


And on a pretty much totally unrelated note (except for maybe the white shirts? if we're being nitpicky), another awesome thing I've discovered lately is the Starz sitcom Party Down.

It's like Curb Your Enthusiasm humour mixed with workplace comedy, it's got hilarious people like Lizzy Caplan, Jane Lynch, Martin Starr, and Jennifer Coolidge, Paul Rudd is a writer/producer, STEVE GUTTENBERG plays an awesome (yet weirdly muscled) version of himself for an entire episode, and then just random awesome shit like this:

Although I think Starz sounds like a TV network owned by Lisa Frank. Eh, whatever.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Some summery

Humber Bay Park and the viking funeral of Chunky the phone.

We saw this chip truck on the way to the park... it doesn't get more appropriate.

Offerings for the deceased to take with him to the afterlife. Chunky was never a fan of taking food from his charge cord... in fact, we thought he might have been anorexic. Hopefully he'll appreciate fruits, ice cream, pizza and fish and chips better.

His ringtone for years was Let's Dance by Bowie, so this is what we played on the turntable as we sent him on his way to Valhalla.

Goodbye, old friend... and hello summer.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So um... what's the deal with Rockwell?

I'm not saying...

...I'm just saying.

What an action movie should be

This is the trailer for "Lebanon", written and directed by Samuel Maoz.

I was lucky enough to see this last year at TIFF, and was blown away (seriously, honestly, no pun intended there). I was actually volunteering at the time and probably should have been paying more attention to my ticket-ripping duties, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from the was so powerful, moving, and incredibly unique.

The story is told from the perspective of four young soldiers in a tank in the Lebanon war; and you, the viewer, are stuck in the tank with them for the duration of the film. The majority of these guys are totally new and incredibly nervous, and their fears, hesitation, guilt, and of course, claustrophobia are brilliantly conveyed. However, there's also levity to be found in the sort of banter that is unavoidable when relative strangers are forced to get to know one another right quick. The whole thing was so affecting and just... so *real*, I wasn't at all surprised when I met the director after the show and learned that it was based on his own war experiences.

So in case it wasn't already obvious... this is a really big and genuine recommendation. Don't spend your money on whatever fucking bullshit $120-bajillion-CGI-budget blockbuster piece of crap is being shoved down your throat everytime you turn on the TV! See Lebanon instead, get the same adrenaline rush, and actually walk away thinking you've done something worthwhile with 2 hours of your life.