Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fabulous Fashions #2

French bread manicure: Good idea/bad idea?

This girl knows what I'm talking about:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Chère-chez la femme

Brian G. Smith, my awesome and hilarious uncle (who I would call "Funcle" were it not for the fact that that word sounds like a growth on someone's butt cheek) made a short film that won this year's 69-hour Film Challenge, and it's finally available to view online!

Check out the excellently-named Chère at the National Screen Institute website.

And also make sure to visit Brian's company's site:!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Insipid lyrics to amuse and inspire

We've been together for a long time, baby
Do you have to leave?
Please don't go girl
I just can't live without you
Please don't go girl
So listen to me... (Don't go, girl)
Please don't go girl
You would ruin my whole world
Tell me you'll stay
Never ever go away
I love you (I love you)
I guess I always will
Girl, you're my best friend
Girl, you're my love within
I just want you to know
That I will always love you
Ooh, baby

Tell me you'll stay
Never ever go away
I need you (I need you)
I guess I always will
Girl, you're my best friend
Girl, you're my love within
I just want you to know
That I will always love you
Ooh, baby

(Please don't go girl)
I'm gonna always love you girl
I'm gonna love you girl until the end of time
Tell me girl
You're gonna always be mine

Please don't go girl
You would ruin my whole world
Tell me you'll stay
Never ever go away
I love you (I love you)
I guess I always will
Girl, you're my best friend
Girl, you're my love within
I just want you to know
That I will always love you
Ooh, baby

(Please don't go girl)
(Please don't go girl)
Please don't go girl
(Please don't go girl)
Please don't go, baby
(Please don't go girl)
Please don't go girl
(Please don't go girl)
Please don't go darlin'
(Please don't go girl)
Please don't go, baby, no

Let me start out by saying this: it's not schadenfreude! (but you should visit that link, it's quite interesting)

Let the pure, unadulterated mediocrity of these words wash over you! Think about how insanely, mind-blowingly famous the New Kids on The Block were in their heyday! Come to terms with the fact that this song made it to #10 on the Billboard charts!

Then sit back, collect your thoughts, and create something great. Anything you want... as long as you're proud of it and you know it took more effort and attention than plugging the words "girl", "always" and "love" into the Lyric-o-Matic 2000.

So what if no one ever makes an action figure that vaguely resembles your countenance. So what if Japanese girls don't cry and faint when you walk into a hotel lobby. You're creative and unique and amazing; and you know it.

Yes that was a bit of a saccharine sentiment... but I don't care!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

To sleep, perchance to sleep in

I'm a terrible getter-upper. Each morning is an epic battle of wills between my desire to hide beneath the blankets forever in a lovely dark cuddle bundle of warm, and my understanding that employment is necessary to earn the means to keep myself fed and sheltered. It usually takes me an average of 3 snoozes to even consider leaving my rumpled haven.

My sleepy self is also quite adept at coming up with ways to befuddle my responsible self into submission. For example, sometimes I'll lie there pondering whether it's actually a weekend or a holiday, or maybe, just maybe, one of those special work days when they don't mind if you come in 3 hours late (disclaimer: these do not exist). But in the back of my mind I always know that if it was a weekend or holiday or any other circumstance in which I wouldn't have to get up, I wouldn't be lying there having this conversation with myself, with a beeping alarm in my ear.

So this morning my bizarre semi-unconscious brain tried a different tactic: it tried to justify my sleeping in based on what Steve Guttenberg was doing. The alarm went off, I attempted to consider thinking about perhaps beginning to roll out of bed, when my brain said "Wait! How is this fair? I bet you Steve Guttenberg doesn't have to get up early on cold days." And indeed, this ended up having the opposite of the intended effect: so amused was I by this surreal thought that I was actually motivated to get up, face the day and see what else my weird mind can come up with.

I really have no idea what Steve Guttenberg is up to these days, but I hope he's somewhere warmer than Toronto in January, and that he gets to sleep in until at least 10.