Saturday, August 7, 2010

Let's never say the "P" word.

So here I am, in Winnipeg. It's me, here, in the capital of Manitoba. I'm me, this city is Winnipeg. Full stop. This does not make me a "Pegger". In fact I'm not even sure if it's a real thing people call themselves... I've just gotten a lot of ribbing regarding this moniker from certain Ontario residents who shall remain nameless. Annnnnd that's the last time you'll see that word mentioned on this blog. It's now taboo - an evil that probably exists but should never be spoken of, like Voldemort.... or Justin Bieber.

And now, with no further ado, and in no particular order, here are some Winnipeg things thus far.

1) The view from my room. Not just another landscape... this view features a combination KFC/Taco Bell! It's not quite as awesome as if it was this... I'm going to have to make an amended cover.

2) Where I want to work. I found this company that seems incredibly cool... as does the owner. Talk to me, Tripwire Media Group!

3) Oh this really has nothing to do with Winnipeg, but I'm loving it right now. Some genius had the idea to take Kanye West's tweets and combine them with famously-unfunny New Yorker cartoons. I like this explanation of why the juxtaposition works:
Kanye’s tweets are more or less raw id (unfiltered, portraying base emotions and simple thoughts) and New Yorker cartoons are almost entirely superego (carefully considered, ‘quiet’ presentation).
Here are my favourite ones... but you can find all of them here.

Tadaaaaa! Much more Winnipeg-related, and non-Winnipeg-related, non-linear items of interest coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. I will be reading along on your adventures! Much love your way my dear!
    Emily :)
