Monday, October 11, 2010


This year I am thankful for:

- This crazy town that just might end up really working for me... at least for a few years. And also the fine folks I've already had the pleasure of meeting here, and their various social shenanigans
- The two people who gave me life and then made it possible for it to continue via the provision of shelter, education, security, and nourishment at regular intervals. Oh, and a whole bunch of love and support
- A fabulous new condo which will be mine in about 20 days (!!!!)
- The amazing curry I made for thanksgiving: salmon with sweet potato, chickpeas and green beans
- PG Wodehouse stories, most recently Uncle Fred in the Springtime, a tale involving love, loss, confidence tricks, and a rather ponderous specimen of the porcine variety
- Bulk Barn... I love the experience of wandering around and selecting products from giant bins! And it really takes the sting off the fact that I can no longer just wander into Kensington Market for all my grains and spices
- That a place like Mondragon exists here, even though I haven't been. I have them in my facebook and they keep spamming (is it really spamming if you're pleased to receive it?) my feed with their delicious-sounding daily specials. I promise myself that I will go there this weekend and report back on what will no doubt be an awesome experience
- Peep Show, series 7 of which premieres in November. I wait all year for this show, and when it comes it's over far too quickly... but will always be amazingly and hilariously worth the longing
- Roger Ebert's film reviews. I really love reading good reviews about bad movies. I don't know why
- Martin Dronesclub giving me the link to a subtitle file for this. I love foreign films, and I hate dubbing... plus having taken 2 weeks to download this movie and then realizing it didn't come with subtitles was, to put it mildly, a tad disappointing

Things I'm not thankful for:

- Oh fuck it, who wants to read a list of gripes? I'll leave this out and just focus on all the positives mentioned above :)

Happy Turkey (or in my case, Curry) Day to everyone in internet land!

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