Sunday, January 2, 2011

The photo quotidian of 2011

Yes that's right; let's see how this little experiment goes.

A photo a day.

Sometimes with an explanation, sometimes presented without comment... because it's funner that way.

A photo a day. That's the only rule.

Oh, except for the only other rule, which is that January 1st doesn't count because I was mostly incapacitated by the siren call of couch, pizza, snoozing and Scott Pilgrim for the first 24 hours of the year. So, today only, I'll post two.

This was the photo I took to field-test my look for NYE 2011. And it's pretty much the only picture I have of the night, because immediately when I arrived at the party's location, I met a dude with an analog SLR and took every possible opportunity to use his camera when I thought a situation merited being captured. Maybe someday I'll get my hands on his photos from the night, scan one and put it up here! One can only dream.

I'm not going to explain this one, but if anyone were to put in even an iota of effort, you could probably figure it out.

Ok, day one (technically two, but who's counting. In fact I'm going to put a ban on counting of any kind, in any capacity, on this blog, and the rest of existence... starting now) done.

I'm looking forward to seeing what 2011 brings.

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