Monday, October 10, 2011

frustratingly Shakespearean

The 14-year-old girl in me is really loving this:

It's the perfect combination of semi-recognizable indie stars, cute outfits, and 50's-influenced romantic girlsong. It also features a plot device so frustratingly avoidable and suggestive of dramatic irony that it takes me back to when I was in junior high and went to see Baz Luhrmann's Romeo & Juliet, and started crying 10 minutes into the film because I knew how it was going to turn out at the end.

And speaking of people I once was and no longer am....

I signed in today with the intention of deleting this blog. I haven't updated in so long, and never really seemed motivated to write anything. I had originally started this as an outlet for creativity and random word diarrhea, and then at some point, I stopped feeling very imaginative. Funny thing about writer's block, though... for me it's often more self-imposed than influenced by anything external. The second I sat down and actually started typing, I came up with a million things I wanted to talk about and explore.

This might also have something to do with my raging procrastination issues and the several design projects I've been putting off completing since FOREVER, that I was planning to get finished today. But whatever works.

So the blog stays. Much like my tattoos, some of which no longer represent how I feel as a person, it remains important because everything that I once was has been a factor in who I am at this very second. None of it was inconsequential. While there are things in my past I now know I could have done better, I can't regret any of it. I am thankful for the experiences I've had and for the people I've known along the way, and what all of it has ultimately made me into: a rather great and still pretty wide-eyed, wild-eyed 29-year old with an entire interesting adulthood ahead of her.

The name stays too... but again, and much like one of my tattoos, the significance of which is changeable and will probably take on a subtly different meaning.

The look will probably change. But not right this second... I've got some projects to take care of first.


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