Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm a spoilsport

This article totally describes how I feel about spoilers: essentially, I just don't care.

I have a proclivity for researching the shit out of anything I'm momentarily interested in, and this includes films, books and shows I haven't yet experienced. For the most part, it doesn't bother me to know how something is going to play out. In fact, sometimes I get more enjoyment out of it that way - it's like a little game I can play with myself, looking for clues that this or that is about to happen. Until you've actually seen/read things as the director or author portrayed them, you're not really getting the whole experience. No amount of reading Wikipedia articles can compare to actually living out the scene, within the atmosphere and context of a really amazing story. Besides, as it says in the above-mentioned article, people can continue to enjoy their favourite stories over and over... the fact that they know what's going to happen matters very little, if at all.

But I don't force this philosophy upon others. Some people really enjoy the pure element of surprise, and hate to know anything beforehand. So I would never "spoil" something for someone else, just because of my personal tastes/beliefs.

However! With all that said... I'm still not going to look up what happens in Twin Peaks. And in fact, sometimes I love the idea of sitting down to watch a movie I know nothing at all about. It's not like a vehement policy wherein I must have all the answers before I can experience anything. I can take it or leave it. I guess, when it comes to spoilers, I swing both ways.

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