Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Word Bird: Gormless

Don't write that someone special's name on every egg under the Word Bird - fill it up with fun fascinating vocabulary-boosters instead!


Pronunciation: \ˈgrm-ləs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: alteration of English dial. gaumless, from gaum attention, understanding (from Middle English gome, from Old Norse gaum, gaumr) + -less
Date: 1883
chiefly British
: lacking intelligence : stupid

I woke up this morning with this word in my head. I couldn't wait to look it up, acquaint myself with the meaning, and then use it!

"I was dreading my meeting with the gormless, sweaty new client... undoubtedly he would waste no time asking me to make the logo bigger, whilst leering down my shirt."

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